What are the best fall flowers to plant in Georgia? Read this article to learn more about annuals, perennials, and flowering plants that thrive in the planting zones for Georgia.

Fall flowers are an essential part of every spectacular yard landscaping and flower garden. Many people think of autumn as the time their flowering plants go dormant or die. In Georgia, however, that doesn’t have to be the case. With our warmer climate and hardiness zones, there are plenty of fall flowers and flowering plants that can provide bursts of color throughout the fall and winter seasons.

Perennials vs. Annuals

What is the difference between Annuals and Perennials plants? This question is answered quite well on the Garden Heights website. Their website provides the following comparison, “Perennial plants regrow every spring, while annual plants live for only one growing season, then die off. Perennials generally have a shorter blooming period compared to annuals, so it’s common for gardeners to use a combination of both plants in their yard.”1

Planning Your Flowering Landscape Elements

A well planned fall flower planting can save your yard from the doldrums of colder days. To imaginethe benefit, consider these words from an article on The Spruce website, “Fall flower gardens can be spectacular with bold combinations of jewel-toned colors, including purple, rust, scarlet, and gold.”2 While the article advises to plant many plants earlier in the year, don’t be discouraged. Nurseries have effectively done this for you. It’s easy for your landscape company to find plants in containers that are vibrant, healthy and ready to plant in your yard. With minor care (watering) you can soon be enjoying a colorful yard for months to come.

The best flower gardens, flower beds, and landscape islands are created with careful planning. While you could do a tremendous amount of research online, you may find it much easier to engage the services of a professional landscape company.

Most people go about their fall planting with a trip to a local home and garden store, buy plants with colors they like, and spend a weekend putting them into the ground. Often, the results are mediocre or outright unsuccessful. What makes the difference between success and dismal results is knowledge of horticulture and gardening. Some things you need to understand and consider are:

  • Soil and Sun. The ideal conditione for plants to thrive varies. From drier soil to moist loamy soil, and little to partial or full sun, you need to plant compatible plants in ideal locations.
  • Height and Spacing. Consider the size of the planting area and the size of a mature plant to achieve the best results. In group plantings, taller plants should be the back row with each row moving forward being comprised of plants with decreasing height. The expected width of the plant will determine spacing between the plants. You can set the stage for how full or airy the matured area will be.
  • Blooming Period. Ideally you will have a grouping that provides a flowing consistency of color. If possible, find flowering plants with longer bloomimg times to get maximum color for longer periods.
  • Special Considerations. A flower garden has the potential to do more than add visual appeal to your property. Depending on what you choose, flowering plants can provide cut flowers for your rooms, provide appealing scents, and even be edible. (Some of these may not be available in your area except by special mail order).

Scented Fall Color Plants

  • Daphne
  • Clematis
  • Cheddar Pink

Edible Fall Color Plants

  • Kale
  • Asparagus
  • Rhubarb

Fall Color Plants for Cutting

  • Hyacinth
  • Snapdragon
  • Amaranthus

Popular Fall Color Plants in Atlanta

A lot of the yards and commercial properties sporting fall flowers use the tried and proven mix of flowering plants for Georgia. A creative landscape company can provide you with these, and add some unique plants you may not fine at your local home and garden store. You can get some great ideas by reading an article published by Southern Living and titled 27 Gorgeous Fall Flowers for Your Best Autumn Garden.


Nothing says “fall flowers” in the South like chrysanthemums, commonly referred to as “mums.” These classic beauties have a number of species and hybrids and come in a variety of hues. With colors ranging from pale pink to brilliant orange, there is a chrysanthemum for every landscape. Mums will bloom from September until frost. They can look great either in the ground or in decorative containers.

Depending on the temperature, mums can be put out any time from Labor Day till mid-September. Chrysanthemums do best in rich soil and need plenty of water for their shallow root system.


Snapdragons are a great choice for fall flowers because they thrive on warm (but not hot) days and cool (but not cold) nights. They are very hardy flowers. If you plant them in early fall they can bloom throughout the season. Some may even keep flowering into winter. Treat them right and they will be a pretty perennial for your garden.

Snapdragons are another flower that has a wide variety of colors and heights. The dwarf types may only grow 6-10 inches and look great in containers. Taller snapdragons can grow 24-30 inches and make a striking flower paired behind smaller plants like pansies.

Keep snapdragons in loose soil and keep it well fertilized. Deadhead them frequently to create new blooms. Cover them with pine straw mulch before cold temperatures hit. They will come back with their brilliant color in Spring.


Though many people plant marigolds in the spring planting the second crop of marigolds in late summer can provide you with pops of color in autumn. They come in many varieties and hues from golden yellow to fiery orange. Marigolds are drought-resistant and pest-resistant. They can actually be used as companion plants to protect your other plants.

Marigolds thrive in full sun and do well in almost any soil. If a cold snap is coming, you can cover your marigolds to offer some protection. They don’t require deadheading, however, doing so will keep more marigold flowers coming.


Asters are an underrated flower that can bloom as late as October and November. They come in shades of white, blue, and purple. As a late-blooming native flower, they are a very important late-season nectar source for pollinators.

Asters grow best in full sun but will tolerate filtered sun. They can handle dry conditions and grow up to two feet tall.


Pansies are another favorite Georgia fall flower. Because they grow best when nighttime temperatures are under 65, they thrive in spring and fall. They come in a wide variety of colors and make beautiful bedding plants. Pansies do well when they are planted in autumn and will continue flowering through warmer weather in April. They can grow well either in containers or in a landscaping bed.

Pansies can do well in full or partial sun and prefer rich, well-drained soil. Because they spread easily, they should be 7-12 inches apart if they are in the ground. Pansies should be watered regularly and deadheaded to keep producing blooms.


Begonias are a hardy, low maintenance fall color plant. They have leaves and flowers with varying colors, and they work well in small to large planting areas. THe most common Begonia varity in Atlanta has dark green leaves and bright red flowers.

Adding fall flowers to your landscape is a great way to add seasonal color. To further develop your landscape, fall and winter offer a perfect time to plant certain bushes and trees while they are dormant. This is also a great time to resculpt islands and flower beds, and prepare for spring planting of azaleas, rose bushes, and more.


Let Crawford Landscaping install our beautiful flower beds

If you’re located in northwest metro Atlanta, and want to add beautiful fall color to your property, we invite you to call us at 770-509-0355 for a free quote or schedule landscaping services.

  • 1 Garden Heights Nursery, “What’s the Difference Between Perennial and Annual Plants?”, April 02, 2018, Available from Garden Heights
  • 2 Marie Iannotti, “14 Best Fall-Blooming Flowers for Your Perennial Garden”, August 26, 2021, Available from The Spruce
  • 3 Michelle Darrisaw, “27 Gorgeous Fall Flowers for Your Best Autumn Garden”, April 06, 2017, Available from Southern Living
  • Photo Credit: Photo by Aniston Grace on Unsplash